Friday, 26 June 2015


On Tuesday June 23, I had my two week post op appointment with Dr. Trites to get my elastics changed and it felt amazing!!! My jaw felt kind of weak though, and that was kind of scary. He said everything looks good, I have to wear these elastics 24/7 to train my muscle memory to conform to the new bite (bite splint). It was really awkward and an uncomfortable feeling when I put my teeth into the splint (my bite felt like it was being force forward and to the left slightly), but its starting to feel more natural.

Also, I've switched from my Ensure diet, I now eat potato salad, soft pasta and scrambled eggs. Mmm. I am so excited to be eating again. In two weeks (on my 1 month) I go back to get my splint out, so I am hoping my bite is right so I can actually get it out. Lol

In the spots where I am numb, it is about 60% numb and it feels weird. I'm still not used to it. When I tap my lip I have weird sensations, like tingling. Hoping all my feeling will come back, that would be amazing! I went back to work on Wednesday and it was tiring, my energy level is definitely not up to par. Haha.

Here are some pictures from today! :)

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