Saturday, 3 October 2015


In six days I will be 4 months post-op, I can't believe it's been so long since my surgery. There have been a few changes in my teeth in the past three months. There were some changes that I am not too fond of. One of the things I do not like is, since there is a different wire on, my teeth have slightly angled in, it is mainly my canines that are angled. Also, the left side is more angled in than the right. My mid-line isn't perfect but he said with tooth size variation there will be no way to fix it without messing up my bite. (It is good on the top teeth, but my bottom is off).

They said my bite is pretty perfect (I have a 2mm over-jet now, which 1mm-2mm is apparently perfect) we just have to do final touches now. So, we are on to the final phase of my braces treatment!! My next appointment we are doing an x-ray of my teeth so we can re-bracket and get the roots straight. Hopefully I will be getting my braces off before Christmas, and if not that soon then before my birthday, for sure (January 16th). On January 14th, I will be 2 years in braces, wow. Time goes by quickly.

There was one huge change in my face with my surgery, my face looks so much shorter. Not in a bad way though! Before my surgery, I had a little bit of "long face" which I never liked, my face always looked off to me. But, now instead of my face being very oval, my face is more heart-shaped like my mother's face. :D

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